Optimization of the water supply

The fasting period is the best time of the year to get rid of bad habits. At the beginning of the year, people usually make good resolutions for the new year, but few people manage to stick to these plans throughout the year.

Lent, on the other hand, is limited to the period between Ash Wednesday and Easter Sunday. This is ideal from a purely temporary perspective, to get rid of bad habits or to integrate a new health plus into everyday life.

Using the time until Easter effectively for your health

Lent is the perfect time to start giving up bad habits   , as the entire fasting period traditionally only lasts 40 days. If you want to start now to give your own body more vitality , you have the best chance of keeping it up until Easter. Surely you know what you would like to optimize personally. By mid-April, time has passed quickly. Perhaps your fasting resolution can even be integrated so well into your everyday life that you want to keep it later . Even a single optimization that is maintained for a few weeks can make a big difference to your body. Your health will thank you for it!

Fasting resolution: Drink enough water

The resolution to drink enough water is particularly important, effective and easy to implement in everyday life. Drinking enough water is good for your hormone metabolism and your body becomes more vital. This can also be seen in the brain, because enough water leads to better concentration and performance. Water is also a beauty elixir for skin and hair. The kidneys are well flushed, the liver and lungs can work better and the heart is relieved with sufficient water . muscles and joints can perform optimally with an adequate supply of water   . Drinking enough water also helps you to regulate your blood pressure and weight.

A tip for sticking to fasting resolutions: If you have little experience with making good resolutions, you should first set yourself daily goals. It is motivating when the resolution has been successfully implemented on one day. Once the daily goal has been reached, it is worth working towards a weekly goal .

Bildquelle: Pexels

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