Optimizing water intake as a goal during Lent

Lent is the best time of year to get rid of bad habits. New Year’s resolutions are usually made at the beginning of the year, but few people manage to stick to these plans throughout the year. Lent, on the other hand, is only limited to the period between Ash Wednesday and Easter Sunday. From […]

Multicultural fasting

Carnival is long over and there are no more excuses: the time of laissez-faire is finally over and Lent is in full swing. For some, the focus is on health, while others cut back for religious reasons. Everyone does it differently For Christians, Lent lasts from Ash Wednesday to Easter. Today, everyone can decide for […]

A different kind of lifebuoy

As every year, Easter marks the end of the fasting and renunciation period after the first full moon in spring – in many families with days of feasting and celebrating together. Traditionally, the Easter feast begins with green dishes such as spinach and green asparagus on Maundy Thursday, but also with the odd egg or […]

Is it possible to fast and lose weight with drinks?

Fasting has a long tradition. Originally, people fasted for religious reasons or to alleviate illness. In recent years, fasting has also become a beauty trend with a challenge character. Anyone who is fasting needs one thing in any case: water. But is it possible to lose weight with water alone – or in combination with […]

Sparkling Easter – water is part of it

40 days of fasting are behind us. You’ve managed to give up alcohol, chocolate, Facebook and plastic. It wasn’t always easy. But we can be proud: we persevered with the challenge. Thumbs up for a new experience. And now there’s a big reward for this at Easter. Okay, it shouldn’t be quite that thick. Because […]

Is it possible to fast and lose weight with drinks?

Fasting has a long tradition. Originally, people fasted for religious reasons or to alleviate illness. In recent years, fasting has also become a beauty trend with a challenge character. Fasting to lose weight is becoming increasingly widespread. Anyone who is fasting needs one thing in any case: water. But is it possible to lose weight […]

Multicultural fasting

Fasting – Carnival is over, no more excuses: the time of laissez-faire is finally over, Lent is in full swing. For some, the focus is on health, while others cut back for religious reasons. Everyone does it differently For Christians, Lent lasts from Ash Wednesday to Easter. Today, everyone can decide for themselves how they […]

Optimizing water intake as a goal during Lent

The fasting period is the best time of the year to get rid of bad habits. At the beginning of the year, people usually make good resolutions for the new year, but few people manage to stick to these plans throughout the year. Lent, on the other hand, is limited to the period between Ash Wednesday and Easter Sunday. This […]