The schnapps after a heavy meal, coffee as a pick-me-up, wine for a healthy heart, nothing beats water and tea anyway. How much truth is behind these truisms?

When it comes to fitness and health, most reports are about sport and food – drinking is neglected. Humans can survive for at least 30 days without food, but only about three days without drinking. No wonder, after all, humans consist of 50 to 70 percent water, depending on parameters such as gender, age or fat content of the tissue.

However, most people only drink when they feel thirsty. It’s actually already too late – thirst is an alarm signal that the body sends out when the fluid balance is no longer in equilibrium.

A multitude of possibilities

So it’s clear when you drink – before you get thirsty. It is best to get into the habit of regularly reaching for a glass in order to reach the recommended daily intake of 1.5 to 2 liters. But what do you drink? Considering the composition of the human body, only water can be the best alternative. Water is good against thirst. It also serves as a solvent and transportation agent, helps to excrete metabolic products and salts via the kidneys and regulates body temperature. But in the long run, drinking only water might be a bit monotonous. Can other drinks provide the same level of hydration?


Before you reach for a glass of water in the morning, some people already have the smell of coffee in their nostrils. Coffee drinkers are often told that the pick-me-up doesn’t count as a drink. Even worse: coffee dehydrates the body. Is that true? The caffeine contained in coffee has a mild diuretic effect and leads to increased excretion of sodium. However, if we stick to a moderate intake of around four cups a day, the body will compensate for this deficit. The often obligatory glass of water with the espresso is not even absolutely necessary here, the coffee can be confidently added to the liquid balance. However, a sip of water in between makes the taste buds more receptive to the coffee’s aroma.

The same applies to drinking green or black tea. Here, too, the draining effect is moderate. Tea also contains polyphenols. These protect the body from free radicals, which can lead to cell damage. Polyphenols can protect against skin, stomach and esophageal cancer, among other things. Drinking tea regularly can reduce the risk of heart attack and stroke.

Also fruity

Freshly squeezed fruit juice is rich in vitamins and minerals. These strengthen the body’s own defenses. Orange and grapefruit juice are excellent sources of vitamin C, the beauty and health industry’s favorite vitamin. The body cannot produce it itself, so it has to be taken in with food. Just one glass (0.2 liters) of orange juice covers the daily requirement of vitamin C recommended by the German Nutrition Society. In addition, the water content of 100 grams of orange is 85.7 percent. So if you don’t want to go to the trouble of squeezing oranges, you can also consume plenty of liquid by eating them.

Soups, not just for the soul


While they used to be an integral part of almost every diet, soups and stews are rarely eaten today. This also means that less fluid is absorbed through food. Instead, the trend for years has been towards meals with a high energy density and low liquid content – fast food and the like send their regards. The liquid part of soups can cover part of your daily fluid requirement. Our grandmothers also knew about the strengthening effect of bone broth. Today, it has become a trendy panacea and is even touted as the “ultimate healthy coffee substitute”. You can jump on this bandwagon or not. However, meat does not have to be part of a healthy soup. Vegetarians are also catered for here. If you prepare the soup with fresh ingredients such as different types of vegetables and high-quality fats, it not only provides sufficient hydration, it also warms you to the tips of your toes and supplies your body with lots of important vitamins and minerals. Wedding soup, dumplings in broth or minestrone are not only a warming source of liquid, with their rich ingredients they are also wholesome meals.

Hot or cold, it’s the quantity that counts

Whether you drink plain water, refine it with fruit juice, prefer your morning coffee or try your hand at soup – there are many ways to fulfill your daily drinking quota. Depending on your taste, each of these variants brings its own additional flavor or effect, so you don’t have to get bored while drinking.

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