The right drink to go with your medication

At some point, we may have been in the situation of having to swallow a tablet “dry” – almost an impossibility. Not only does it almost get stuck in your throat, but depending on the active ingredient, the stomach lining is not particularly pleased to meet the guest so directly. You have to drink to […]

Drinking right – but what?

The schnapps after a heavy meal, coffee as a pick-me-up, wine for a healthy heart, nothing beats water and tea anyway. How much truth is behind these truisms? When it comes to fitness and health, most reports are about sport and food – drinking is neglected. Humans can survive for at least 30 days without […]

Melons: Juicy summer

Melons, whether water or sugar melons, are classic summer fruits that are available everywhere in the warm season and are not only delicious, but also provide healthy vitamins and additional fluid for the body, which it needs especially in summer. As a fruit snack, smoothie or hearty salad, they enrich our diet and are also […]

Vitamins and nutrients in grape juice

One of the most popular fruit juice drinks here is grape juice. It is just behind apple, orange or multivitamin juice in fourth place. Rich in vitamins and nutrients, it is particularly suitable for people with blood or iron deficiency due to its high iron content. Red grape juice in particular is very popular. For […]

Mirabelle plums – the delicate summer fruit

Mirabelle plums? Sure, you’ve heard of it before, but have you tried it? If you have not yet personally encountered the small yellow fruits, whose big sisters are the plums, it is definitely worth getting to know them! Small and yellow, they not only taste very good, they also contain the full power of the […]

Quinces – a juicy end to summer

When the days start to get shorter again, the pome fruit season begins. Apples and pears in many varieties are standard and are traditionally served as fresh fruit in the lunch box or as a popular refreshing drink in the form of apple spritzer. But these two are not the only types of pome fruit. […]