Summer vacation at last – vacation at last. The car is packed. Now you’re ready to go. If you are driving long distances by car on vacation, you should think about suitable drinks. Even small water deficits in the body can lead to a lack of concentration when driving. Even if children are traveling with you, a large supply of drinks in the car is extremely important in summer temperatures.

Travel risk: sun and traffic jams

Traffic jams on the way to vacation are not uncommon. Summer temperatures outside and intense sunshine streaming in through the windows quickly make it hot inside the car. Of course, the air conditioning in the car can cool the interior temperature down to a pleasant level. However, although the air conditioning system lowers the temperature, it dries out the air in the car. This can lead to additional water loss in the body. If you then avoid taking breaks for time reasons and don’t listen to your own thirst, you quickly put your body at risk.

Do not underestimate water deficits

Drinking too little leads to a lack of concentration when driving. According to a study from Great Britain, even a slight lack of water in the body can lead to driving errors in a monotonous driving situation. Especially on long highway journeys, traffic jams and stop-and-go traffic, the need to pay attention is often underestimated. Even slight dehydration causes the body to behave as if it were suffering from fatigue. The concentration could also be equated with a blood alcohol level of 0.8 per mille. To avoid endangering your own health and that of other road users, it is advisable to drink water regularly on long car journeys.

Provision with water and small snacks

If you have plenty of water, herbal and fruit teas or diluted juices in your luggage, you are always on the safe side. Traffic jams can sometimes stretch for miles and the journey to the next rest stop can be endless if you are thirsty. In addition to mineral water, local drinking water is a good and inexpensive travel companion. Drinking bottles for the whole family can be filled in advance and spiced up with fruit or fresh herbs if required. Small snacks in the form of fresh fruit and vegetables can also help to keep you hydrated during the journey. Homemade sandwiches, a light salad or wholemeal cookies are particularly good for recharging your batteries. It is especially good for the driver if the meals are light on the journey. Food that is too hard to digest and high in fat quickly leads to tiredness and lack of concentration.

The right amount for children to drink

Adults should consume at least 1.5 liters of liquid per day. When traveling in summer temperatures, it is advisable to increase the amount you drink. For children, there are age-related recommendations for fluid intake from the German Nutrition Society (DGE):

1 – 4 years: approx. 820 ml per day
4 – 7 years approx. 940 ml per day
7 – 10 years approx. 970 ml per day
10 – 13 years approx. 1,170 ml per day
13 – 15 years approx. 1,330 ml per day

These drinking quantities should also be increased in hot weather and with a lot of exercise.

Exercise tip for the drink break: During a long car journey, it makes sense to stop for regular drink breaks. Getting out of the car, walking a few meters, stretching and being on the move gets the circulation going. This promotes renewed concentration when driving. Regular exercise can also prevent tension and – in people at risk – thrombosis.

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