Spring fatigue in the workplace
Spring fatigue

Every year the time has come for nature to blossom. The days are getting longer, you want to hit the ground running – and all you could do is sleep. After all, one in two people seem to be affected by this low during the transition from winter to spring. The spring fatigue makes itself fully felt.

Unfortunately, very few people can sleep through it. Lack of motivation and reduced performance are particularly unpleasant in the workplace. While you stay in bed longer at the weekend, your colleagues in the office are keeping an eye on you. Power is needed, but where to get it?

Active against the low

It’s not just the change to the different day and night rhythm that causes problems for the body and brain. Spring fatigue is often exacerbated by a lack of fluids. If you drink enough now and get plenty of exercise in the fresh air, you will counteract fatigue and give you a fresh boost. And this is particularly necessary in the workplace. Only those who are mentally and physically fit can give their all on the job.

We are what we drink

Humans consist of around 60 – 70 percent water. In order to function optimally, humans need approx. 1.5 to 2 liters of fluid per day in addition to the fluid intake with food. But when it comes to drinking the right amount, it’s not just about the quantity. Choosing the right drink is crucial. The normal everyday drink should primarily provide our body with fluids without burdening it with harmful additives such as sugar or colorants. If you like it natural, go for mineral water. As a natural product of high quality, it is not processed but bottled directly from the source.

Energy boost for the brain

Mineral water that contains a lot of magnesium is particularly suitable – it is not called a “brain drink” for nothing. The mineral magnesium plays an important role in the transmission of stimuli in the brain. Mineral water containing magnesium therefore not only provides the body with the fluid it needs to do its work. Magnesium also promotes concentration and strengthens the nerves.

Ideally, those who work with a head should always have a bottle of mineral water with at least 50, preferably 100 milligrams of magnesium per liter to hand. A glance at the label reveals how balanced the composition of the water is.

Short drinking breaks during hard work

Physically strenuous work costs sweat. And all the more so when the temperatures rise again in spring. The body loses fluids and minerals through sweat.

Mineral water with a high sodium content (at least 200 milligrams per liter) is ideal for strenuous physical work. Sodium is lost particularly quickly through sweat. If too little is available, this can lead to palpitations, dizziness, muscle cramps, falling blood pressure or nausea. Fruit juices, which contain readily available calories, are also good here, so that the high energy requirement during physical work can be at least partially covered in addition to hydration.

At the right time

If you feel thirsty, you have already drunk too little. Especially in the spring slump, every action can be too much – nevertheless, it is important to drink regularly throughout the day to prevent thirst from arising in the first place. If you have the amount you need to drink for the working day ready to hand in the morning, it is easier to take a sip every now and then. This allows you to take a short break from your actual work and then continue working refreshed and focused.

Prevent low performance by drinking enough

Even if we are suffering from spring fatigue, we can remain productive at work. If you drink enough mineral water throughout the day, which also contains fitness-enhancing substances such as magnesium, you won’t experience a performance slump. You can use breaks for this or take a sip every now and then during work. If you also take into account the additional need for fluids when temperatures rise and during physical work and drink before you get thirsty, you will be fit and efficient throughout the working day.

Bildquelle: Andrea Piacquadio von Pexels

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