In Far Eastern medicine, doctors use ginseng to treat many different ailments. The root is considered a proven tonic that strengthens the immune system, stimulates the metabolism and generally makes the body more resistant to stress and other harmful influences. Ginseng is said to combat fatigue, help against exhaustion and prevent colds. Chinese doctors also recommend the tubers to help people recover after an illness.

Ginseng tea

Ginseng tea, for example, can be made in various ways. The most natural option is to prepare it from the fresh root. To do this, cut it into the thinnest possible slices with a sharp knife. Bring the water to the boil and leave to cool for at least 2 minutes. If it is still too hot, the valuable ingredients of the ginseng are destroyed. Then pour the water into a teacup and add about a teaspoon of the ginseng pieces. Leave to infuse for a good 5 minutes. The longer, the more intense the taste and effect.

Medicinal root in medicine

There are various laboratory tests that attest to the effects of ginsenosides, as well as other ingredients: Among other things, many of the substances have an anti-inflammatory effect, stimulate the immune system and lower blood sugar levels. Some substances constrict the blood vessels and thus stimulate the circulation.

However, ginseng can also cause side effects. Anyone with diabetes or high blood pressure should only take ginseng preparations after consulting a doctor. Ingredients from the root can alter blood clotting. People who are taking blood-thinning medication should check with their doctor whether they are allowed to use ginseng. Caution: The tuber intensifies the effects that coffee and other caffeinated drinks have on the body.

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