It should be common knowledge by now that the human organism needs around one and a half to three liters of fluid – preferably water – in order to function optimally. All vital metabolic functions can only work adequately with this supply of fluid. If you drink too little, the body shows clear warning signals.

The symptoms listed below should not be taken lightly. For each of the warning signals, the water balance should be replenished as quickly as possible.

You should not ignore these warning signals from your body:

1) Thirst

The feeling of thirst usually only becomes noticeable when it is actually already too late. Always treat “thirst” as an alarm signal. The body is a highly complex system that sounds the alarm at an early stage if something is wrong with the fluid balance. It sends clear signals at just half a percent dehydration, so that the risk of dehydration cannot occur in the first place. Drink water in several portions regularly throughout the day and your body will thank you for it.

2) Color of the urine

You can also diagnose the optimum fluid setting yourself based on the consistency of your urine. A clear or slightly light color indicates optimal hydration. However, if the urine is rather dark yellow and has an intense odor, caution is advised. The body has too little water available to remove toxins and waste products. The amount of excretion is also a clear indication. If you don’t drink enough, the amount of urine decreases significantly with each visit to the toilet.

3) Headache

You should not simply ignore headaches, but always recognize them as a serious warning signal. The body tries to compensate for the loss of fluid in the body through sweating, breathing and urinating by drawing the missing amount of water from the blood. In this way, he wants to ensure the elimination of toxins. As a result, the blood thickens, flows less quickly and neither the cells nor the muscles are adequately supplied with nutrients. First of all, this becomes noticeable in the form of headaches. To counteract this symptom, it is advisable to drink a large glass of water slowly. First of all, keep your hands off painkillers, because they only alleviate the symptoms, not the cause.

4) Lack of concentration

A lack of water leads to poor concentration. If the brain is no longer working efficiently, this may indicate a lack of fluids. After all, brain cells consist of about 75% water. Even as little as two percent too little water in the body has a massive impact on brain activity. From restlessness and nervousness to massive concentration problems.

5) Tiredness

A lack of water takes its toll as the blood thickens. Tiredness can be the result. The thickened blood makes it difficult for oxygen to reach the brain cells or the muscles. The result is a considerable impairment of physical and mental performance. The body wants to recover through sleep because it is simply exhausted from its exorbitant performance. As soon as you increase the amount of water you drink each day, you will notice that your body is much more agile and refreshed. The best way to start the day is with a large glass of water in the morning.

6) Dry mouth

Reduced saliva production as a result of fluid loss. If there is already a 3 percent shortage of fluid, the body will significantly reduce its saliva production in order to conserve resources. The result is dry mouth and a cracked tongue. If the mucous membranes are no longer sufficiently moisturized, this can even lead to a sore tongue. As with the feeling of thirst, this can already indicate the beginning of dehydration. This should be counteracted by drinking a large amount of water as quickly as possible.

7) Blockages

A lack of fluids promotes constipation. The body needs fluid to be able to excrete excrement. If the stool takes on too hard a consistency, the intestines find it extremely difficult to transport the excrement further through intestinal movement. This causes severe pain and, not least, constipation.


All these warning signals from the body should be taken seriously. However, these symptoms can be prevented by ensuring adequate hydration throughout the day. Drinking regularly throughout the day promotes well-being and ensures that the body is optimally ready to perform.

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