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Strong immune system

The cold season is just around the corner – and with it the onset of cold and flu season. This alone represents a challenge for our immune system. This year, he faces another strong opponent in the form of Covid-19, against whom he needs to be prepared. The motto is therefore to strengthen the immune system as much as possible.

Let’s get out

Viruses and germs feel particularly at home in overheated and poorly ventilated rooms. Sufficient ventilation is part of the strategy to counteract the concentration of virus-containing aerosols in offices, classrooms or at home. It is at least as important to get out into the fresh air and get enough exercise. Be it a walk with the dog, a moderate walk or a sporty run. Exercise improves ventilation of the lungs and increases oxygen uptake. This gets our immune system up to operating temperature and ready for action.

Get into the flow

In order for the oxygen to be optimally distributed in the tissue, the blood must be able to flow well. The blood plasma, which is responsible for the blood’s ability to flow, consists of 94% water. In order to maintain this composition and thus the physiological viscosity of the blood, it is essential to drink enough. Depending on temperature and physical activity, a healthy adult should consume at least 1.5 liters of fluid per day, whereby 35 ml per kg of body weight can serve as a guideline. Ideally, water and mineral water should be used to cover your daily fluid requirements. These are calorie-free and also contain minerals and trace elements in dissolved form, which increases their bioavailability from the outset.

The trace element zinc, which is found in mineral water, is particularly important for the differentiation of T lymphocytes in the immune defense. If we cover the majority of our daily fluid requirements with mineral water, we also support the supply of this valuable building block.

On the front line for a strong immune system

Even before the actual immune system comes into play, our mucous membranes are on the front line of defense against pathogens. If they are dried out by the cold and dry heating air, they can no longer adequately fulfill their barrier function. This makes it easier for viruses to enter our bodies. Here too, drinking enough helps to keep the mucous membranes well supplied with blood and to ensure sufficient saliva production. However, many people find it difficult to drink the recommended amount, especially in the cold season, when the feeling of thirst does not necessarily remind you to drink. The SmartCup from LAQA can be a useful helper here. With it as an everyday helper, you no longer find yourself looking at the half-full bottle of mineral water on your desk after a day’s work.

Older people, who have to pay particular attention to their health, especially in the early flu season and now in times of Covid 19, often find it difficult to drink enough because their immune system is less active. One of the reasons for this is that the feeling of thirst decreases with advancing age. Whether for balanced drinking in everyday working life or as an everyday helper for senior citizens, the SmartCup from LAQA with its drinking quantity analysis and variable reminder functions is not only an intelligent drinking vessel, but also a valuable tool for maintaining our health. Drinking unsweetened fruit teas or slightly acidic juice spritzers also stimulates saliva production. A throat that is sufficiently moistened with saliva is well protected against invading pathogens.

Keeping a clear head through the cold season

Drinking enough also helps to prevent headaches caused by a lack of fluids. Especially in stressful working life with constant glances at the screen, your head hurts at some point and your eyes start to burn.

Headaches are a significant stress factor that can weaken the immune system. Here too, sufficient blood flow and thus oxygen supply to the brain is essential to counteract this. If you follow the recommended daily drinking amount of 1.5 liters throughout the day, which may be higher if you spend a long time in warm rooms with dry heated air, this often helps better than a headache tablet and also prevents the eyes from drying out. These are particularly affected in the cold season, irritated by dry heating air and too few breaks from computer work. Here, too, it is important to support the moisture retention of the eye as the first barrier in the immune defense against the coronavirus, which can also enter the body via the angiotensin-converting enzyme-2 contained in the conjunctiva of the eye, by drinking enough.

Simply invigorated for the cold season

To get a healthy start to the cold season and be well armed against viruses of all kinds, regular and sufficient drinking is a simple and universally applicable way of optimally preparing the immune system for its task and supporting it in this. If it is difficult to drink enough when temperatures are low and you don’t feel thirsty, the SmartCup from LAQA is a smart tool that quickly turns the feeling of having to drink into a little break with a health effect.


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