Most people only think about many everyday metabolic processes when their physical well-being suffers. It’s the same with digestion. The human digestive system is a true marvel of nature. But without sufficient fluid intake, it cannot work properly.
provides one of the most important foundations for this.

From the mouth to the intestines: digestive organs need fluids

The digestion of food and drink is a very complex process. The first digestive steps begin in the mouth. Liquid is needed for the saliva that makes the food smooth. Solid food can only pass through the esophagus comfortably if it has been chewed and mixed with saliva beforehand. Stomach acid is available in the stomach as a liquid digestive element. Depending on its composition, the acidified chyme passes from the stomach into the small intestine in portions after around two to nine hours.

Important metabolic processes in the small intestine

In the upper section of the small intestine, the duodenum, digestive juices from the pancreas and gallbladder are released. Sufficient fluid intake is also necessary for these so that they can neutralize the acidic food slurry in the stomach and release enzymes to break down the main nutrients. The latter are absorbed via the intestinal wall. After passing through the intestinal wall, they are distributed throughout the body via the bloodstream and lymphatic system. The blood and lymphatic fluid are also dependent on water. The portion of indigestible food containing fiber passes from the small intestine to the large intestine through intestinal movements.

The large intestine as a “drainer”

Water is removed from the chyme in the large intestine. The body has a highly effective recycling mechanism that enables it to utilize nutrients and water from food effectively. This is necessary because the gastrointestinal tract needs around 9 liters of water a day to optimally digest food. A large proportion of the water can be made available to the body again through resorption. The intestinal contents are passed on to the rectum. This is where the stool accumulates and is finally discharged via the anus. No new water reserves are required for the final steps. Nevertheless, the large amount of water required for digestion illustrates how important it is for health to drink at least 1.5 liters of water a day.

Diarrhea and constipation

Bowel movements can be influenced by various factors. The main factors in healthy people are usually the nature of the food and stress factors. But climate changes and unfamiliar foods can also influence the frequency of bowel movements when on vacation. Especially when traveling in summer, make sure you have at least 2 liters of drinking liquid or more. If the intestines are out of balance for any reason, diarrhea or constipation can occur. Diarrhea occurs when the stool is very soft and watery and a visit to the toilet more than three times a day cannot be postponed. If the bowel is emptied less than three times a week and the stool is hard and can only be passed by pushing, this is called constipation.

Reasons for constipation

Constipation can have many causes. The lack of sufficient fluids, adequate exercise and fiber in the diet are unhealthy occurrences that can be remedied relatively easily. The situation becomes more difficult when first-time illnesses in the intestine block digestion. A doctor should always be consulted in this case. However, age can also influence bowel function. As we get older, our metabolism and hormonal balance change. This can also cause chronic constipation. In Germany, almost one in three people over the age of 60 has an age-related constipation problem.

Tip: Medicinal waters can help with constipation: A study by the University of Freiburg was able to prove the helpful use of medicinal waters. Waters with around 1,200 mg of sulphate per liter can effectively support digestion with few side effects. Sulphate has the ability to retain water in the intestine. This increases stool volume, improves stool consistency and increases bowel movements.

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