Vacation trips: Tap water can endanger your health

Tap water is cheap, environmentally friendly, practical and of the best quality in most regions of Germany. Tap water is one of the best controlled foods in Germany. However, comprehensive controls and the quality of drinking water cannot be taken for granted in most countries around the world. On vacation trips, reaching for a bottle […]

Exotic drinking halfway around the world

In the past, we only knew spaghetti bolognese, pizza or snails – absolutely exotic. In times of long-distance travel, things look very different. On other continents, not only foreign cultures await us, but also their rich diet, which is sometimes very different from ours. That’s why it can be quite helpful to give our palate […]

Energy drinks: State of emergency for the metabolism

Faster, higher, further, longer… No, we’re not talking about doping for top sporting performance, but about everyday stimulation with energy drinks. An EVERYDAY DOPING, so to speak, for all those who don’t feel well-rested, tired or overworked. And that is almost half of all employees in Germany. According to a recent study as part of […]

More fun to drink: spring water with flavor

Last year’s trend towards infused water continues. And that’s a good thing. This is because flavored water is a simple way to increase your daily fluid intake. It simply tastes like more! Infused water is a great option, especially for people who find it difficult to drink water regularly in everyday life. Spring in particular […]

Drinking properly during sport

People who exercise regularly feel good. You should challenge your body once or twice a week – not just to feel good, but also to prevent cardiovascular disease and obesity, for example. Jogging, cycling or swimming are ideal endurance sports to keep fit. Because sweating during sport significantly increases the need for fluids, drinking is […]

Sport and the right drink

Sweating is one of the most important mechanisms for protecting the body from overheating. We lose a lot of fluid during sport in particular. Depending on the intensity of exercise, environmental conditions, training status, body weight, genetic make-up and other factors, we can lose two liters or more of fluid per hour. Dehydration    med.: […]

Summertime – herb time

Summertime, herbal time – St. John’s wort tea? Summer is here, everything is lush green and nature’s herb garden is also in full bloom. When you are out in the countryside, the scent of the essential oils of the plants wafts from everywhere, making you want to sink into the colorful splendor. But the summer […]