Whether in the garden, on the beach or in the city park, it’s summer party time. We barbecue, laugh and drink. In warm temperatures, people like to reach for a glass or a bottle. This is basically a good thing. The body needs more fluids in the sun and heat. However, not only thirst quenchers but also alcoholic drinks are at the start when partying. In the summer heat, just one extra glass can have unpleasant consequences.

If alcohol, then enjoy it

The nutritionally acceptable amount of alcohol for healthy adults is 10 g per day for women and 20 g per day for men. A sparkling wine to toast. The beer for the barbecue. Or the wine in convivial company. The tolerable amount is quickly reached. About half a liter of beer provides 20 g of alcohol. A 0.25 liter glass of wine or sparkling wine contains the same amount of alcohol ( 20 g ). It is therefore advisable to consume alcohol only in small quantities. As the party gets longer and the alcoholic drinks get “harder”, caution is advised for the metabolism.

Take precautions with water and a high-fat meal

With a good foundation in the stomach, the effect of alcohol can be slowed down somewhat. It is advisable to drink enough water in advance. Especially when it’s hot outside and the body loses fluids more quickly through sweating. High-fat foods are also helpful against typical symptoms of alcohol consumption. These are digested more slowly. This means they stay in the stomach for longer. This can delay the absorption of alcohol into the bloodstream to a certain extent. The slower alcohol enters the bloodstream, the less quickly the effects are felt in the body.

Alcohol causes chaos in the mineral metabolism

If alcohol is consumed repeatedly over several hours, the body should also be supplied with water. This is because every alcohol intake results in a loss of fluids. This is underestimated, especially on warm summer evenings. Small snacks such as salted nuts, pickled cucumber or a hearty sandwich are also a good idea between meals. Alcohol upsets the mineral balance. This creates an imbalance between the water in the body and important bulk elements. This means that calcium, potassium, magnesium and sodium cannot do their work as usual.

Do not underestimate hangover symptoms

Due to imbalances in the water and mineral balance, excessive alcohol consumption causes blood vessels in the head to dilate. The consequences are headaches of varying severity. In addition to headaches, a strong feeling of thirst, fatigue, dizziness, nausea or palpitations may occur. The latter in particular can be seriously dangerous for the body. Depending on your physical constitution, the symptoms may occur during the party or only the next morning as “hangover symptoms”. The type and quantity of alcoholic beverages have an influence on their intensity. Every body reacts individually. For your health, the motto should be: partying is joie de vivre. Limit alcohol consumption. And regularly top up your fluid reserves with tap or mineral water.

Be careful with sweet and sparkling alcohol: sweet cocktails, sugary liqueurs or sweet wines get into your bloodstream more quickly. This effect also occurs with carbonated alcoholic drinks. The effects of alcohol are felt more quickly or more intensely in the body.

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