In a week’s time, the remaining federal states will also be starting the new school year. The start of school marks the beginning of a new phase of life, especially for children starting school. Children who get enough sleep, frequent exercise in the fresh air and a balanced diet have an advantage at school. A healthy diet also includes drinking suitable beverages regularly. This can have a significant impact on the vitality and concentration of schoolchildren and adolescents.

Healthy thirst quenchers to take away

Regular drinking is essential for effective learning at school. A new leak-proof drinking bottle is ideal for all ages when starting school. Drinking water from the tap and mineral water are perfect thirst quenchers. Tap water can be easily refilled in your own drinking bottle at school. Unsweetened, cooled fruit and herbal teas are often more popular with younger children, simply because of their color and taste. If ready-made tea blends are used, you should make sure that they do not contain any flavorings or other additives. Juice spritzers are best mixed by yourself in a ratio of one part 100% juice and three parts water. The water content of ready-made fruit or vegetable spritzers should be similar. The products should also be free from added sugar, other sweeteners and artificial flavorings.

Concentration: unthinkable without sufficient fluids

The human brain consists of around 80 to 85 % water. It is therefore dependent on a regular supply of fluids in order to perform. All thought and concentration processes take place in the brain. The blood provides the most important contribution here. As the blood consists of around 90% water, it is clear how enormously important fluid intake is for the body. If there is a lack of water in the body, the blood thickens. In addition, the transportation of oxygen and important nutrients to the brain is delayed if there is a lack of fluid. Tiredness, lack of concentration or headaches occur as a result. This makes learning in the classroom more difficult. Physical fitness can also decrease during sports or swimming lessons. Regular fluid intake should be ensured, especially for younger children whose thirst is not yet so pronounced. Children should also be given the opportunity to drink water during lessons.

Guidelines and possibilities at school

Parents and teachers should encourage children to drink water regularly. There are several projects, such as the “Drinking in class” initiative, which specifically promote sufficient fluid intake at school. According to the D-A-CH reference values for nutrient intake – for Germany, Austria and Switzerland – children aged 7 to 10 should drink around 970 ml and children aged 10 to 13 around 1,170 ml throughout the day. For adolescents aged 13 to 15 years, the daily fluid intake should be 1,330 ml. Body size, fullness and physical activity can increase these guide values if necessary.

Tip for younger schoolchildren: Younger children in particular are more easily affected by dehydration. As younger schoolchildren are easily attracted by visual appeal, a beautiful drinking bottle with a favorite motif or in their favorite color can increase their enjoyment of drinking. This makes a simple contribution to health.

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