Photo by Kai Henne from Pexels

Refresh properly when the sun is shining

Finally, sunshine and rising temperatures again! The sweat flows and with it the drinks. On warmer days, you shouldn’t skimp on the latter: Various types of water, unsweetened herbal and fruit teas and juice spritzers are ideal refreshments to compensate for fluid loss and balance the mineral content. If you don’t drink enough on warmer days, you will soon feel the effects: your mood drops, headaches and circulatory problems set in. You shouldn’t let it get that far in the first place. “Drink before you get thirsty” is the motto. And do it properly.

Sufficient and regular

As a rule, 1.5 to 2 liters of fluid should be consumed per day to keep the body’s fluid content constant. However, the body needs more fluid at higher temperatures or during exercise. Depending on body size and activity, the fluid requirement can increase threefold. It is important to top up regularly so that a deficit does not arise in the first place. It is best to start the day with a large glass of water first thing in the morning. This compensates for the loss of water during the night and gives us a fluid bonus for the day. It is best to drink regularly throughout the day to avoid feeling thirsty in the first place. This is an alarm signal from the body – if our mouth is dry and we feel thirsty, we are already dehydrated. You shouldn’t let it get that far in the first place – so you should always have something to drink available.

Water – pure pleasure

If we drink mineral water, it provides us with valuable minerals in addition to the liquid, which are excreted when we sweat and are therefore lost. As a calorie-free drink, water is also ideal when it comes to maintaining the bikini figure you worked so hard to achieve in spring. Drinking it regularly prevents hunger pangs and keeps the stomach busy. A glass of water also boosts your metabolism in the morning.

If you want to enhance the taste and appearance of your water drink, you can add pieces of fruit. Infused water has the same benefits as drinking pure water, is also pleasing to the eye and provides a small additional portion of vitamins and minerals.

Tasty home-made dishes

If you want more flavor, unsweetened fruit or herbal teas are a good choice. If you add a splash of home-squeezed lemon or orange juice to these, they are doubly refreshing, which can also make up for the lack of carbon dioxide.

Fruit juice spritzers – preferably made from home-squeezed juice, in a ratio of one part juice to three parts water – provide a bonus of vitamins and fruity sweetness in addition to hydration and flavor. This can be helpful when you need to recharge your batteries quickly after sport.

For lazy children, homemade ice cubes made from pureed fruit in a drink or crunched ice with a little juice poured over it are ideal. Only a small portion of this, however, so that there are no stomach aches. These are not only delicious and healthy, they also promise colorful drinking fun!

Well-tempered is the right choice

If we’re already thirsty, we want to quench it with an ice-cold drink.

However, cold drinks only quench our thirst for a short time and can upset our stomachs. They also signal to the body that heat is needed, something we absolutely do not need in hot weather. Drinks that are too hot have a similar effect. The large cup of coffee makes us sweat in summer and makes us even thirstier. It is better to drink at the right temperature, not too hot and not too cold. This prevents the body’s temperature regulation from becoming confused and we refresh ourselves properly.

In warm weather: drink

As temperatures rise, it is particularly important to ensure sufficient and regular hydration. The drinks for this should be as low in calories as possible and preferably slightly acidic – so drinking becomes a pure pleasure. Ice cubes should be used sparingly, just as cold coffee is a good thing here. This prevents the body’s own temperature regulation from becoming confused and makes drinking a real pleasure.

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