Each mineral water has its own mineral composition. A particular focus is on the minerals magnesium, sodium and calcium. On the one hand, the minerals it contains influence the taste of the water. On the other hand, these active ingredients can make a good nutritional contribution to health. Calcium, as a building block for bones, is of particular interest.

The stuff bones are made of

The mineral calcium is a naturally occurring chemical element. In the human body, calcium is the most abundant of all minerals. It plays a central role for bones and teeth. Around 99% of the body’s calcium is localized here. The mineral ensures their strength and stability. In addition to sodium and potassium, calcium also plays a very important role in the transmission of stimuli in the nerve cells. Calcium is also involved in the activation of individual hormones and enzymes as well as in blood clotting.

The daily companion Calcium

The mineral calcium belongs to the group of bulk elements. According to the recommendations of the German Nutrition Society (DGE), adolescents and adults should consume the following amounts of calcium daily:

15 to 18 years: 1,200 mg calcium per day
19 to 24 years: 1,000 mg calcium per day
25 to 64 years: 1,000 mg calcium per day
from 65 years: 1,000 mg calcium per day

In addition, the following DGE recommendations for calcium intake apply to pregnant and breastfeeding women:

Pregnant women up to 18 years: 1,200 mg calcium per day
Pregnant women aged 19 and over: 1,000 mg calcium per day
Breastfeeding women up to the age of 18: 1,200 mg calcium per day
Breastfeeding women: 1,000 mg calcium per day

The individual calcium requirement may increase during pregnancy, breastfeeding and after the menopause.

Calcium-rich foods and drinks

The calcium requirement is mainly covered by food. Milk, dairy products and cheese are very good natural sources of calcium. Just one glass of milk contains around 300 mg of the mineral. In terms of metabolism, calcium from acidified dairy products, such as yoghurt or soured milk, is better absorbed in the intestine than from pure milk. However, plant-based foods can also make a good contribution to the calcium supply. Cereal products, vegetables, fruit, dried fruit, herbs and nuts also contribute to calcium intake. There are also calcium-enriched fruit juices and soy, nut or cereal milks. Some mineral waters contain 200 to 600 mg of calcium per liter. With these high calcium levels, they can help vegetarians and vegans in particular to meet the DGE’s daily calcium recommendations. According to the Mineral Water Ordinance, mineral waters may be declared as containing calcium from 150 mg calcium per liter. However, a higher calcium content in water often results in a slightly bitter taste sensation when drinking. Nevertheless, calcium-rich mineral water can be a simple way of ensuring the body’s calcium supply.

Caution – prevent calcium deficiency: If the body is not supplied with sufficient calcium over a longer period of time, it takes the mineral from the bones. This can lead to osteoporosis. The bone substance loses stability. This clinical picture mainly occurs with anorexia and at an advanced age.

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