Summer is here and with it the temperatures are rising, but so is the strain on our bodies. As a result of climate change, the number of hot days is also increasing in Germany and heatwaves are becoming more intense and longer.

This heat stress affects our well-being and our health. This can lead to cardiovascular problems with the typical symptoms of dizziness, headaches, fatigue and drowsiness, and even strokes and heart attacks. Heat-related illnesses include sunstroke, heat exhaustion, heat exhaustion, heat stroke and exsiccosis. According to an estimate by the Robert Koch Institute, around 4,500 people died in Germany last summer as a result of the heat.

The elderly and people with chronic illnesses are particularly affected by heat-related illnesses and mortality. Physiological changes in old age influence the ability to adapt to heat. The number of nerve endings in the skin is reduced and you are less sensitive to temperature. The number of sweat glands and blood vessels also decreases, making it harder for heat to be conducted from the inside of the body to the surface and cool the body. This means that thermoregulation functions less well in old age and, together with other age-related changes such as reduced thirst, chronic illnesses and the use of medication, senior citizens are particularly susceptible to dehydration and overheating.

What can you do to protect yourself and your loved ones?

In care facilities, the LAQA SmartCup can help residents to drink enough fluids. With drinking reminders, the SmartCup helps seniors to drink regularly and thus maintain their health and well-being. You can find out how this works in detail here. We will be happy to explain the benefits of using our SmartCup in your care facility in a non-binding, personal consultation. Simply use our contact form.

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