The morning rush, the traffic jam on the way to work, the day full of appointments, now in fall and winter you are tired and tired anyway – pure stress. And then you also have to think about drinking. Around a third of German employees drink too little at work, according to a survey by the Siemens company health insurance fund. Regularly reaching for a bottle of water is not only good for thirst, it can also reduce stress and improve performance.


Brain power plant

Our brain is not only the control center of our organism, it is also a high-performance organ with an enormous capacity for processing and storing information. The performance of the brain is particularly important at work; concentration is required for many hours a day.

The weight of an adult’s brain is between 1.2 and 1.5 kg. This makes it the second heaviest solid organ in the human body – the heaviest being the liver. During its resting phases, the brain uses up to a quarter of the total metabolic energy. To ensure this, its blood supply must be particularly well developed, for example to transport nutrients and oxygen to the right place via the bloodstream. If the blood supply to the brain is interrupted, severe damage occurs after a short time.

The brain consists of 80 percent water and is therefore the organ with the largest proportion of water – the entire human body still consists of around 65 percent water. The physiological and anatomical conditions already show how important sufficient hydration is for the human body and especially for the brain. A fluid deficiency of 1.5 percent of body weight already has a negative effect on concentration, learning ability and memory. So drinking is the order of the day. The recommended daily amount to drink is 1.5 to 2 liters in addition to the amount of fluid consumed with food. The body cannot store much water, so regular drinking of small amounts is recommended to maintain concentration and performance. It should be approx. 200 ml per hour throughout the working day.


Fit in the workplace: neuro-enhancement in a natural way

Our thinking apparatus is powered by glucose, vitamins and minerals. The brain can only develop its full potential if it receives the right nutrients in sufficient quantities.

In the meantime, it’s also hip to do gymnastics for the brain, people train and read, attend courses and if it has to be quick and unhealthy, people sometimes take methylphenidate during learning stress. It can also be easier.

Drinking enough at work is an essential step towards an efficient brain. But it also depends on what we drink.

In this way, minerals can be used specifically to stimulate the nervous system and mental performance. Calcium is significantly involved in the transmission of nerve impulses. Sodium and potassium support the function of nerve cells; the brain needs phosphorus to produce energy. The same applies to magnesium. It is essential for the release of energy from ATP and magnesium also protects our nervous system from stress by interrupting the chain reaction that leads to the release of the stress hormones adrenaline and noradrenaline.

If you cover most of your daily fluid requirements with mineral water, you can supplement your diet with the minerals required for optimum brain performance – calorie-free, uncomplicated and without side effects.


What you see, you don’t forget

If you are not yet used to drinking regularly, it makes sense to always place a water bottle or glass within sight so that you are visually reminded to drink. Care should be taken to ensure that the water is not exposed to direct sunlight. Water lasts at least two years in unopened glass bottles and about half that time in PET bottles. It does not spoil if stored correctly, but carbon dioxide can escape from PET bottles or the water can take on ambient odors.


Simply flush away stress in the workplace

Water can also help you to recharge your batteries at work. Even the brief moment you take a sip of water is a short break from work. If you drink consciously, you create little breaks to take a breather, in which you can collect yourself and refocus. If you give your gray matter the occasional break, work becomes easier again.


Drink to the end

Water is not only a basic requirement for all life – our brain can only perform optimally with sufficient water. To be fit for work and study every day – even during hibernation – we should drink. Enough, regularly and the right thing. Mineral water provides optimal support for neuronal stimulus transmission and our nervous system. And if we go home well hydrated in the evening, we still have enough energy for an active evening.

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