Drinking not only quenches thirst, it also influences the psyche. But what actually happens if you drink too little? Can this actually promote depression? We will now answer these and other questions:

How does drinking too little affect the psyche?

There are studies that link depression and dehydration because dehydration affects the brain in a way that is closely related to depression:

Dehydration undermines the energy of the brain
Dehydration hinders energy production in the brain. Many functions of the brain are impaired and rendered inefficient by a lack of fluids. The resulting mood disorders are similar to those of depression: anxiety, insecurity and emotional problems.

Dehydration hinders your brain’s serotonin production
Depression is often linked to below-average levels of serotonin, a critical neurotransmitter that strongly influences mood. Serotonin is produced from the amino acid tryptophan. However, this requires sufficient water. Dehydration can also negatively affect other amino acids, leading to feelings of depression, inadequacy, anxiety and irritability.

Dehydration increases stress in the body
Stress is one of the main factors contributing to depression, along with a feeling of powerlessness and inability to cope with stressors.

Can drinking too little cause depression?

Depression is a complex mental illness. Therefore, it would be too simplistic to say that dehydration is a direct cause of all types of depression. Nevertheless, dehydration and depression are causally linked in many ways, as shown by the effects of dehydration.
One study looked at the effects of a change in water intake on mood and physiological sensations in adults. The results showed that switching to an increase in water intake has a positive effect on the moods of people who habitually drink less.
The switch to a lower water intake, on the other hand, has negative effects on the mood rating of people who habitually drink a lot. Among other things, this led to restlessness, dissatisfaction and negative feelings.
These results clearly show how much water intake can influence our moods.

How can you prevent “depression caused by dehydration”?

If you suffer from depression or complaints such as listlessness or tiredness, it can help to take a closer look at your own drinking behavior. In addition to thirst, the body often shows the following signals:

It is impossible to reliably prevent depression because the triggers are still not fully understood. However, there are factors that can counteract the onset of depression:

Depression is a mental illness that can affect anyone. Symptoms such as anxiety, loss of energy, mood swings, lack of sleep, loss of interest and joy can be signs of depression. There are many reasons for depression, which is why you should consult a doctor as a precaution if you suspect you are suffering from depression.

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