When we think of juices, we usually have cherry or apple juice in mind. We tend to bite into apricots, nectarines and peaches, but we rarely think about drinking here. Juices made from fruit with a bite are a special treat. Pure as a juice, mixed as a spritzer or made into a smoothie – not everyone can come up with apricot or peach juice, but a fruit sorbet made from these fruits and garnished in a visually appealing way is the hit at any summer party.

A well-rounded affair – even when drunk

The small round apricots, also known as apricots in Austria and southern Germany, belong to the rose family and grow round and firm on a small tree or shrub. The stone fruits feel slightly less velvety and hairy than peaches, are bright yellow to orange-red and ripen in this country from the end of May/June. Closely related to them are nectarines and peaches, both of which are also fruits with a high water content, and it is precisely this that makes apricots and the like the ideal summer fruit, in addition to their vitamin and mineral content.

Water is vital for our body. About 65 percent of our body consists of water. Water plays a decisive role in many processes in the body. From detoxification to the absorption of nutrients – nothing works without water. If our body lacks water, it cannot perform many of its functions optimally. Symptoms such as headaches, concentration problems, tiredness, lack of energy, dry mouth and indigestion occur.

Depending on body size, age and activity level, our body needs around 2.7 liters of fluid a day to stay well hydrated. In addition to drinking water, water-rich foods provide us with plenty of fluids and help us to keep our fluid balance in balance. Fruit such as apricots, nectarines and peaches are also rich in vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and fiber, which support bodily functions and protect the body from free radicals.

To achieve this effect, foods with a water content of over 85 percent should be consumed. Eaten raw or processed into fresh juices or smoothies, they make our diet more varied and healthier.

(Almost) everything we need in one jar


The apricot is an all-rounder and contains a lot of provitamin A, vitamins B1, B2 and C, as well as potassium, calcium and phosphorus. Not quite as juicy as nectarines or peaches, 100 g of apricots contain around 45 kcal, while the same amount of dried fruit contains 241 kcal. So: it is better and healthier to enjoy the apricot raw or processed as a juice or smoothie. On the one hand, you benefit from their liquid content, while the thick consistency of pure apricot juice ensures that you feel full very quickly. If you have to skip a meal in hot summer weather, apricot juice is the perfect source of energy and hydration between meals. Mixed as a juice spritzer, apricot juice is very rich and a bottle kept in the fridge ensures long-lasting drinking pleasure.

More juice, less sugar

In contrast to apricots, nectarines and peaches contain more liquid, which is noticeable as soon as you bite into them – with ripe fruit, the juice tends to run down your chin. In contrast to apricots, however, their sugar content is lower. But it’s not just their vitamin content that makes nectarines and peaches a delicious summer snack. If you eat two peaches, you have already consumed 30 percent of the recommended daily intake of vitamin C.

The same applies to the nectarine, also known as the “naked peach”. The main difference between peaches and peaches, apart from their slightly more acidic taste, is the lack of velvety hairs on the skin. The nectarine is also very rich in water, but due to its slightly sour note it is also suitable for preparing savory dishes such as salads or white meat.

For a summer salad with nectarines you need

500 g red peppers
8 tbsp olive oil
75 g fig jam (or a mixture of apricot and orange jam)
5 tbsp mustard
6 tbsp lemon juice
black pepper from the grinder
2 nectarines, 125 g each
75 g rocket
75 g radicchio
80 g dried figs
75 g black olives without stones
4 chicken breast fillets, 175 g each
20 basil leaves
Wooden skewers

Cut the peppers into quarters and clean them. Then cut each quarter in half and fry in 2 tbsp oil over a medium heat for about 5 minutes. Mix the marmalade, 2 tbsp mustard, 4 tbsp lemon juice, 3 tbsp oil with salt and pepper. Cut the nectarines into wedges and marinate them in the remaining lemon juice. Pluck the rocket and radicchio into small pieces. Then halve the figs and chop the olives. Cut a pocket into the side of each chicken breast and spread with the remaining mustard. Then fill them with figs, olives and about 12 basil leaves and close them with wooden skewers. Then season the chicken breast with salt and pepper and fry in the remaining oil for about 6-8 minutes on each side. Mix the rocket, radicchio, peppers and nectarines with the vinaigrette, slice the chicken breast and serve with lettuce and basil leaves.

The extra sip in between for peach skin

It is important to drink enough to keep your peach skin soft and supple. Especially in summer, when the sun and time spent outdoors are hard on our skin, it is important to drink enough to maintain the skin’s barrier function and keep it well cushioned – the best recipe against premature skin ageing alongside adequate sun protection. It is a good idea to have something to drink throughout the day, preferably (mineral) water, and to take an extra sip every now and then. This not only ensures that you drink the recommended daily amount of 1.5 to 2 liters, but also distributes it evenly throughout the day, which further increases the hydrating effect on the skin. But the peach also does a good job with skin care. Peach skin literally stands for particularly velvety and healthy skin.

Peach kernels contain 30 to 45 percent oil, which is very similar to the popular almond oil and is ideal for skin care. Peach kernel oil is rich in monounsaturated fatty acids and linoleic acid, which makes the skin more elastic and keeps it looking fresh for longer.

Apricot and co: moisturizing care inside and out

Whether you eat them, drink them or pamper your skin with massages, apricots and co. not only provide vitamins and sufficient fluids in summer, but are also delicious and nourishing. Refreshed and well-hydrated with juice and salad, we are already beaming with sunshine from the inside and can enjoy the summer in every way.

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