Tap water is the first choice for most consumers. It’s practical to turn on the tap and not have to carry any bottles. In addition, the tap water is inexpensive and is checked for the usual pollutants in Germany to an above-average standard. For some people, however, pure tap water is not enough. With the help of gemstones, they want to give the drinking water an even better quality or even a healing effect for the body.

Easy to confuse: mineral and gemstone water

Minerals, stones and rock strata are often mentioned in the same context when it comes to healthy water for drinking. It is only through the flow of water through different layers of rock that minerals can be released and enrich the water. Minerals that pass into the water change the biochemical properties of the water. This is how mineral water is created. The minerals dissolved in water can, depending on the type and quantity, optimize nutrition. Some mineral waters have very special mineral concentrations and can even be used as healing waters. With gemstone water, on the other hand, water is “informed” by the addition of stones. The effect of the gemstones on the water is solely due to the information contained in the stones and not to substances dissolved in the water. The gemstones can simply “only” optimize the drinking water or also be used as a remedy in the context of gemstone healing.

Possibilities and limits of drinking water improvement

Gemstone water can be used externally and internally. The water is said to have similar effects to the stones themselves. But how can the information be felt without a material exchange taking place with the water? The stones are usually “inserted”directly into the water. You can imagine the information processes for the body in a similar way to Bach flower remedies or homeopathic medicines. From a purely sensory point of view, there are differences to normal tap water. Depending on the type of stones that “inform” the water, the water can taste softer, more intense or fresher. The development of germs in the water has also been proven to be significantly reduced. However, pollutants such as heavy metals, residues of medicines and synthetic pesticides or microplastic particles cannot be filtered out or neutralized by the water stones.

Rock crystal, rose quartz and amethyst for “wellness water”

Only a few types of stone are suitable for drinking water optimization, as most stones transport very specific information. The best effect for the originality of the water can be achieved with rock crystals. The water takes on a pure, clear note, like fresh spring water in the mountains. As a mixture for drinking water optimization, rock crystal is often offered together with rose quartz and amethyst. In this mixture, the water becomes a kind of “wellness drink”. Almost all other gemstones or other stones convey such intensive information that they can be used in stone healing. Depending on the type of complaint, there are different stone recommendations and ready-made mixtures. These waters are not suitable as constant thirst quenchers, but should also only be drunk in small doses, just like classic medicinal waters.

Beware of risks: If you want to make your own gemstone water, you should familiarize yourself with the subject beforehand. The stone quality, the dosage, the vessels and the cleaning of the gemstones are extremely important. The source water can also influence the effect of the stones. Some types of stone are even hazardous to health when preparing gemstone water with “inlaid” stones, as they can release toxic or allergenic substances.

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