Summer drinks for detoxing

Since our body has to deal with countless pollutants and environmental toxins almost every day, it is not surprising that it reacts to metabolic deposits. Polluted air, unhealthy food or drinks or even harmful cosmetics or alleged care products are a gradual burden on the body. There are a variety of options for detoxing with […]

Melons: Juicy summer

Watermelons and muskmelons are classic summer fruits that are available everywhere in the warm season and are not only delicious, but also provide healthy vitamins and additional fluids for the body, which it needs in summer. As a fruit snack, smoothie or hearty salad, they enrich our diet and are also fresh and tasty when […]

Melons: Juicy summer

Melons, whether water or sugar melons, are classic summer fruits that are available everywhere in the warm season and are not only delicious, but also provide healthy vitamins and additional fluid for the body, which it needs especially in summer. As a fruit snack, smoothie or hearty salad, they enrich our diet and are also […]