Unusual types of water that surprise

Water is the best thirst quencher of all. It is clear, calorie-free and optimal for the body to utilize. If you want to do something for your health, you should drink an average of 1.5 to 2 liters of tap or mineral water a day. But drinking water can also have completely different facets than […]

Tendency towards more mineral water and soft drinks

Scientists continue to recommend that adults drink around 1.5 liters of water or suitable drinks every day in order to maintain an optimal fluid balance. This amount should be increased accordingly during physical exertion, heat, sport or fever. Various statistical surveys in Germany all describe a trend towards increasing consumption of mineral waters and soft […]

More mineral water and soft drinks

Scientists continue to recommend that adults drink around 1.5 liters of water or suitable drinks every day in order to maintain an optimal fluid balance. This amount should be increased during physical exertion, heat, sport or fever. Various statistical surveys in Germany all show a trend towards increasing consumption of mineral water and soft drinks […]

The currant – the stepchild among summer fruits

Currants Strawberries and cherries are offered for sale on the roadside in early summer and you can’t help but buy a bowl or two. And then of course the really big ones, peach, nectarine and melon. Rather hidden in the stores, the supply of currants is not so plentiful. If they do turn up, you […]