Oxygenated water – what are the benefits?

The average person needs at least 1.5 liters of water a day. Life is not possible without water. A healthy adult can survive for around three days without water. Temperatures and physical constitution can influence the survival time. Without oxygen, a person will pass out after around two to three minutes. Water and oxygen are […]

Increasing concentration in training and studies with water

In the last few weeks, many teenagers and young adults have started their apprenticeships after leaving school. Whether you are learning in a company, at a vocational school or in a lecture hall, concentration is required everywhere. A large amount of information has to be processed and retained. This is not always easy, especially in […]

Oxygenated water – what are the benefits?

The average person needs at least 1.5 liters of water a day. Life is not possible without water. A healthy adult can survive for about three days without water. However, temperatures and physical constitution can influence the survival time. Without oxygen, a person will pass out after around two to three minutes. Water and oxygen […]