Increasing concentration in training and studies with water

In the last few weeks, many teenagers and young adults have started their apprenticeships after leaving school. Whether you are learning in a company, at a vocational school or in a lecture hall, concentration is required everywhere. A large amount of information has to be processed and retained. This is not always easy, especially in […]

Water, also good for the brain

Our brain also needs fluids to function properly. But how many liters of fluid does our brain actually need per day? This is where the information sometimes diverges. Surely everyone has heard that the human body consists of 60% water. What few people know, however, is that the brain is the organ with the most […]

Water, also good for the brain

Our brain also needs fluids to function properly. But how many liters of fluid does our brain actually need per day? This is where the information sometimes diverges. Surely everyone has heard that the human body consists of 60% water. What few people know, however, is that the brain is the organ with the most […]