Drinking water is healthy. Scientists around the world agree on this. But not all water is the same, even if it appears the same chemically. There are people who drink levitated water every day. What is behind this technical concept of levitation? Does this form of processing drinking water have benefits for the body?

Light water in the originally spiral-shaped river

The terms “levitation ” and “levitated ” are derived from Latin. The root of the word comes from the Latin word “levis”, which means “light”. This form of treatment is intended to restore water to its original lightness, so to speak. When observing the living cycle of naturally occurring water, it is noticeable that it works against gravity. Water evaporates on the earth and in this process rises high up into the ionosphere. If you look at original watercourses in nature, you will notice that water always flows in spirals in smaller or larger eddies. In addition, the constant alternation of the watercourse between a spiral that runs to the left and one that runs to the right becomes visible. This pristine river can be observed wonderfully at a mountain stream.

Water from the tap does not move

Proponents of levitated water believe that tap water is no longer available in its original form when it comes out of the tap. It would be more dead than alive. The Austrian naturalist and forester
Viktor Schauberger
(1885 to 1958) coined the term “living water” with his quote “Living water is always moving water”. Even if water always means H2O from a chemical point of view, there are still considerable differences in terms of physics and internal “energy”. Today’s tap water no longer has much in common with the natural flow of water. Drinking water has come a long way. It is exposed to high pressure in kilometers of underground pipes during pumping. There is not much left of the original lightness and liveliness. Mineral water is not much different. It is industrially processed to ensure a corresponding best-before date, bottled and distributed via retailers. This means that the bottles can no longer show the movement of their original source.

Swirl up for hoped-for vitality without side effects

The levitation of water, which is common in this country, goes back to the German engineer
Wilfried Hacheney
(1924 to 2010), who originally used the process in mechanical engineering. From the mid-1960s, he devoted himself entirely to water research. In this process, the object, in this case water, is made to float by physical action, so to speak. The original levitation machine swirls tap water at high speed through tubes arranged in a spiral. The inventor explained levitation as a counter-principle to gravity. This means that water is pulled apart instead of being pressed together. Opinions differ on the mode of action. Experience shows that after drinking levitated water, there are clear improvements in metabolism, better blood counts, urea and cholesterol levels. There are also reports of improved concentration, digestion and physical stamina. The purified water is also said to have positive effects on people with liver and kidney problems or high blood pressure patients. However, there are no long-term scientific studies on the consequences for health. However, no negative side effects of swirled water have been found to date.

Tip: Before you buy a levitation machine for home use, which is not exactly cheap, you can try ready-made levitated water first. There is now a larger selection of providers in Germany.

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