Scientific studies have shown that barley grass can be a unique remedy due to its exceptional nutrient density and the presence of countless combinations of vital substances.

Inconspicuous plant – really big

Barley grass – the healthy gift from heaven

The Japanese scientist Dr. Yoshihide Hagiwara studied over 200 green leafy vegetables some time ago. Through his scientific research, he discovered that barley grass contains more minerals, trace elements, chlorophyll, bioflavonoids and enzymes than any other green plant analyzed. The amount of ingredients and their balance are unique – a balance of vital substances. Young barley plants in particular, such as Hagiwara, contain the most balanced combination of nutrients found in the plants studied. Barley grass is also one of the most alkalizing foods there is.

Barley grass as a disease preventative

The highly active ingredient proanthocyanidin, a so-called secondary plant substance, works for our health at the cellular level. It intervenes where every disease originates, namely directly in the cell. Proanthocyanidins are antioxidants that can protect our cells from free radicals and toxins and also support the cells of our immune system. In this way, barley grass reduces the risk of inflammatory diseases and infections. Because barley grass also lowers cholesterol levels, it prevents heart attacks and strokes in equal measure. Scientists from the Department of Nutrition, China Medical College in Taiwan, reported that barley grass lowers harmful LDL cholesterol. If LDL cholesterol is present in excessive amounts, it can clog arteries and lead to heart attacks or strokes.

The power of the green plant

The interesting effect of barley grass could lie in the large number of antioxidants. According to a study from the year 2000, the rare antioxidants saponarin, lutonarin and six others from the flavone C-glycoside group were found in barley grass using improved NMR techniques. According to a study from 2012, saponarin is said to be many times more effective than one of the most powerful antioxidants we know, namely vitamin E.

Serious illness – tolerable alternative to conventional medicine

Ulcerative colitis is a chronic inflammatory bowel disease that is associated with severe abdominal pain, bloating, intestinal bleeding, diarrhea attacks (sometimes even fecal incontinence) and, as a result, an inadequate supply of vital substances and nutrients. Conventional medical treatment of ulcerative colitis is often very rich in side effects. Therefore, a more tolerable alternative should be used to treat the causes and symptoms.

In a study conducted by the Nutrient Food and Feed Division, Tokyo, scientists examined 18 patients with ulcerative colitis. Over a period of four weeks, half of the test subjects received the usual anti-inflammatory medication, while the other half received 30 grams of a dietary supplement made from sprouted barley every day. At the end of the study, the barley group reported clear improvements in their symptoms. They suffered significantly fewer diarrhea attacks and pain compared to the medication group.

Tests in a study by Dr. Kanauchi also showed that taking a preparation made from germinated barley led to a higher number of gut-friendly bacteria in the patients’ intestines. He reported:

“Germinated barley therapy has the potential to reduce the clinical activity of ulcerative colitis. We believe that these results will soon lead to barley grass being used as a new adjunctive therapy for ulcerative colitis.”

Barley grass – a gift from heaven for your health

The combined intake of activated barley AND barley grass could therefore be used for intestinal problems. However, you should always consult your doctor or alternative practitioner beforehand.

The positive properties of barley grass on health in general and on the intestines in particular also raise the mood barometer. A healthy body simply makes you feel better. Depressive moods disappear as if by themselves.

Barley grass can also be purchased in powdered form in health food stores or online.

Here are two more delicious recipes:

Classic green smoothie for the health-conscious

1 to 2 teaspoons of barley grass powder
3 kiwis
1 Apple
1/2 avocado
1 handful of fresh baby spinach or spinach leaves
1 piece of ginger, about the size of a thumbnail
300 ml ice-cold still water

Classic green smoothie for the health-conscious

The spinach is washed thoroughly and spun dry. Peel and finely chop the ginger, peel and chop the fruit and finally blend everything together for one minute on the highest setting. It tastes very refreshing, and a banana also works well here for those who miss a little sweetness. For further variety, green tea can be steeped briefly and then cooled to replace half of the water.

Exotic smoothie with barley grass powder

1 to 2 teaspoons of barley grass powder
2 ripe peaches
1/4 pineapple
300 ml ice-cold still water

Exotic smoothie with barley grass powder

Peel and chop the fruit and blend vigorously with the remaining ingredients for one minute. You can make it even more exotic by replacing the water with coconut water or adding 1 to 2 tablespoons of grated coconut before blending

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